Roasted Cherry Coconut Ice Cream

I tried my first real cherry a week ago.
My childhood had been scarred by cherry flavored medicine. My parents could only make me take it if cookies were promised and in full view. I will argue that it is the single worst thing I have ever tasted. From that point on, I avoided cherry popsicles, cherry koolaid... anything that even looked red (including holiday oreos with red colored filling). I had always assumed that real cherries would have that same awful overly sweet bitter taste. At the ripe age of 22, I figured it was time to find out the truth.
Real cherries tasted nothing like the branded generic cherry flavor. It was a revelation! An inspiration! I indulged in the flavor, the texture, and the intricacies of this new and exciting fruit (eating half a pound in the process). Then and there, the fates decided that cherries would have a presence in my life.
This roasted cherry coconut ice cream is absolutely divine. It is so easy to make and tastes gourmet. The roasted cherries are sweet and glorious and I can't stop talking about them. The ice cream itself has a fairly intense coconut flavor and can stand alone if need be, but the cherries really round out the flavors in the ice cream. This is, quite possibly, the best ice cream I have ever eaten.