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Entries in caramel (12)


Caramel Apple Cider

Caramel Apple Cider

Halloween costumes have always been a source of stress for me. Even when I was younger, I struggled to figure out what (or who) I wanted to be. My mother would take me to the store and I'd spend what felt like hours looking at costumes until my eyes would glaze over, ultimately choosing none of them before my mother would take me away. Most of my years growing up, my mother would choose to make my costumes to avoid my shopping indecision entirely, staying up late the night before to stitch everything together with a little love.

Because of this, when the end of October hit each year, I dreaded the inevitable decision of the Halloween costume. Can't I just be myself?

Caramel Apple Cider

In kindergarten, I dressed up as a very eager Baby Bop, a costume my classmates thought I was arguably too old for, but I rocked it just the same. From there, I was a witch and a basketball player. I wore a poodle skirt and a wedding dress. I was a princess and a very overweight clown (of which I hope all pictures of that horrific hoop-lined costume are burned. No one should ever have to relive that decision. Especially me).

It wasn't until college hit that finding Halloween costumes became a real challenge. While all the girls I knew seemed to be dressing up as a slutty [insert occupation here], that wasn't my style. I like to keep Halloween about the costumes, not the cleavage. So this year, while searching a warehouse filled with thousands of rental costumes, I ran into a mother and young daughter doing just the same. If I didn't know any better, this could have been my mother and me years ago.

Caramel Apple Cider

The costume room was claustrophobic and smelled of lord knows what, only making the hunt worse. After looking through thousands of outfits, the little girl sat on the ground, exhausted. Her mother pulled one last costume off the rack, asking if this is what she wanted to be. The little girl put her head between her knees and grumbled nooo. The mother shoved the hanger back on the rack, completely exasperated. "Well, then what do you want to be?"

"Mom, I think I just want to be a potato."

I think that little girl might be on to something...

Caramel Apple Cider

This Caramel Apple Cider is a twist on the standard apple cider. A few tablespoons of caramel ice cream topping is swirled into apple cider and then heated on the stove until just boiling. It couldn't be simpler. The cider is then topped with whipped cream which gently melts into the hot liquid, making the cider ever so creamy. The caramel also gives the cider a smoother taste and finish (which I love). This drink is perfect for autumn weather when you are looking for something just a little bit different.

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Chocolate Salted Caramel Cookies

chocolate salted caramel cookies

I always have to have something sweet in the house. Call it my vice or my weakness, but I just can't help myself. Cookies, cake, pudding, or chocolates, I'm not picky. It doesn't even have to be a big dessert; a small handful of chocolate chips will do.

Hello, my name is Kristin and I'm a sugarholic.

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, right?

chocolate salted caramel cookies

Sometimes I'll clear the house of (aka completely devour) all of the chocolate and sugary snacks in an attempt to convince myself that I don't need them. I don't have to have a snack every single day. I don't need sugar to make me feel satisfied after a meal. Chocolate is not my best friend. These are the things I tell myself. But, really, who am I kidding? Chocolate is a woman's very best friend.

I usually make it a day or two (I think my record is three) before I cave and find myself in the candy aisle of the grocery store picking out sour gummy worms. I don't even like candy but, given a few days without my sugar fix, a girl tends to forget these things. If I still feel guilty about succumbing to the sugar cravings, I'll go to the baking aisle instead to buy important baking ingredients. You know, chocolate chips, toffee...

In my deepest, darkest, sugar deprived moment, I got out a spoon and a bag of brown sugar. Don't you dare judge me.

chocolate salted caramel cookies

These chocolate salted caramel cookies are sweet, salty, and oh so rich. The caramel melts into the cookie, bringing a soft caramel flavor to the chocolate, but it stays solid enough to form ooey gooey strings when you break a warm cookie in half. Decadent and delicious, these cookies will only leave you wanting more (and a tall glass of milk).

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Fleur de Sel Caramels

fleur de sel caramels

One of my new year's resolutions this year was to exercise more so this week I spent some quality time at the gym taking classes like Zumba and Power Tone. I also learned there is such a thing as overdoing it (note to self: just because you took two months off from the gym does not mean you can jump right back in like nothing happened).

The next morning I was a hurt bag of hurt. Muscles I didn't even know existed called out for help. I can't move without pain and agony. My legs don't bend, my arms have a range of motion of about 3 inches, and my chest feels like its going to fall off (just fall off). I crawl out of chairs with the speed and agility of a 90 year old woman. I even managed to strain my neck muscles. Who strains neck muscles doing sit-ups?

fleur de sel caramels

I almost wish I had a bruise the size of my fist so I could point to it as if to say look how tough I am—my own purple badge of courage. Instead, I get to whine and groan while moving around like a rusted machine. My advice to you this week is to start slow if you are just beginning an exercise regime and then build your way up. There is no sense in working yourself too hard, causing yourself enough pain that you will be wary to return. Trust me, it will be tough enough dragging my sorry butt back to the gym tomorrow (though these caramels have certainly cushioned the blow).

fleur de sel caramels

These fleur de sel caramels are soft, sticky, and divine. The salt adds just the right twist to keep these caramels from becoming too sweet—the perfect sweet and salty combination, if you will. By eating one or two, you can satisfy your sweet tooth without spoiling your diet. This recipe just begs to be shared.

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