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Strawberry Pancakes

Strawberry Pancakes

This is a public service announcement brought to you by the National Highway Traffic Safety Council. Well, kinda.

It was a typical Wednesday afternoon. I went to the grocery store like I do every Wednesday afternoon, picking up the usual fare with one exception—a watermelon. Spring was in the air, it was 50 degrees outside, and it seemed like a good decision. Especially since it was on sale.

After making my purchases, I packed the groceries in the backseat of the car and headed home. I like to drive slow with a car full of groceries because I don't want them to roll around and make a big mess of the backseat—it's a very big pet peeve of mine. As I was driving down a steep hill, the car in front of me stopped suddenly which meant that I stopped suddenly. It's a real shame my groceries didn't get the memo. They flew about the backseat like birds just released from a cage. And that precious watermelon of mine, the one that seemed like such a good idea only moments before, bounced out of the bag, off the seat, and managed to hit me straight in the side.

I was hit by a watermelon. In a car.

Explain the physics of that one to me.

Strawberry Pancakes

After the initial shock of did-I-really-just-get-walloped-by-a-watermelon? wore off, I realized I had managed to puncture it with my elbow and it was now releasing watermelon juice at an alarming rate. As in getting-sticky-watermelon-juice-all-over-the-front-seat-of-my-car alarming. The orderly nature of my groceries had been shot to hell and my front seat was beginning to look like a gory crime scene.

I was peeved.

By the time I made it home, my only goal was to get that watermelon to the kitchen sink as fast as possible. It was a perfect plan except for one caveat—I'm clumsy. Yes, I managed to drop the wounded watermelon in the garage. Yes, it cracked open and shot watermelon juice everywhere. Yes, I had a second crime scene on my hands.

By the time I finally got it to the sink, it was in shambles—a shell of its former delicious self. So I did what any self-respecting person would do, I dug into the remains with a fork and cried over spilled watermelon. You would have too.

The moral of the story is to wear your seatbelt. You never know when you'll be hit by a flying watermelon. It's probably a good idea to buckle your watermelon in too.

Better yet, next time save yourself the trauma and buy strawberries instead.

Strawberry Pancakes

These strawberry pancakes are light, fluffy, and thick. Packed with strawberries, you'll have a burst of berry flavor in every bite (which is a welcome sight when you're desperate for spring). The pancakes are not overly sweet, so you have the power to control how sweet you'd like your breakfast. I enjoyed these drizzled with a little honey and maple syrup. These pancakes make for a lovely spring brunch.

Strawberry Pancakes

Yields 4-6 servings

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
Pinch of salt
1 egg
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon honey
2 tablespoons butter, melted
2 cups sliced strawberries

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Make a well in the flour with a spatula and pour in the egg, milk, honey, and butter. Mix until just combined. Fold in the strawberries.

Pour 1/4 cup of batter onto a heated griddle and cook each side until lightly browned. The batter may look slightly "doughy" when fully cooked; this is just a result of the moisture in the strawberries. Serve hot! Sprinkle with powdered sugar or drizzle with honey and maple syrup.

Strawberry Pancakes

Reader Comments (12)

04.8.2011 | Unregistered CommenterCowboy.
Your post made me giggle. I have buckled a giant old school computer monitor up before but never a watermelon. I am prone to things like this happening so the next time I get a watermelon I'm gonna be sure that I keep it properly anchored down with bungie cords or something of that nature!

Hopefully the mess wasn't too terrible to get cleaned up.

The pancakes look delicious by the way!
04.8.2011 | Unregistered Commentermrsblocko
Your incident with the watermelon made me laugh so hard I cried. I hope that makes you feel a little better. It was especially relevant since I just bought a watermelon today :).
04.8.2011 | Unregistered CommenterCecilia
Your post made me laugh so hysterically I almost skimmed over the recipe and ignored it. Almost. Gorgeous recipe, looking forward to making it!

As a former physicist myself, I believe Newton's laws suffice in the notorious watermelon carnage incident ... projectile motion as applied to ballistics should account for what happened. Although I believe you might need chaos theory to explain the bizarre nature of it all. ;-)

Still laughing... important thing is no-one was seriously hurt (except the melon of course).
These look absolutely amazing. My 3 year old daughter passed by while I was looking at your picture and now I have to go to the store, buy some strawberries and make these for her asap! lol!
04.9.2011 | Unregistered CommenterEmme @Food Samba
WOW your pictures are beautiful & elegant. These look delicious! Craving them so bad right now.
04.16.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMegan
These were really good pancakes, and so simple. My whole family raved about them. I substituted whole wheat for the all purpose and add an additional tablespoon of honey.
04.20.2011 | Unregistered CommenterMamabird
i stumbled upon your blog last night, and have been going through old posts today at work, and omg you are HILARIOUS
06.23.2011 | Unregistered Commenterkat
These look incredible! I have a ton of strawberries in my fridge right now that are begging to be thrown into these pancakes! Yummy! :)
The Relevant Comment:
I stumbled across this recipe as it was linked in another (can't recall which anymore) and I didn't just laugh, but I GUFFAWED at your tale... until the hefty slice of watermelon I was devouring slipped from my fingers and fell with a satisfied THUMP onto the floor. Watermelon juice and pulp is everywhere. Grand.

The Random Comment:
I can't remember how I first discovered your blog a few weeks ago (I really don't have as awful of a memory as it seems, but I'm a graduate student in school full-time and teaching full-time and as the semester rounds out I'm just a bit fried - though I tell everyone it's because I've turned 26 and I'm officially "old" :)), but I did and it's DELIGHTFUL. Also, and here's the random bit that I promise I do not mean in that awfully creepy way that some people posting in response to blog entries do, I am so taken by your narrative voice and humor that I think we would be stupendous friends (see? I totally understand where this is potentially creepy but I assure you it comes from a sentiment of admiration and amusement at your talent and tales). For instance, I shared with my beloved one of your recipes and when he asked where I got it, I replied, "Oh, it's Kristin's." He looked at me for a moment before asking, "Who's Kristin?" and so I pulled up PastryAffair. He laughed and asked if I was aware that you and I don't know each other and when I insisted he read a few more selections he changed his tone. "Oh, she's delightful!" he said. (I should perhaps disclose that we're both writers/editors/teachers and always appreciate good writing - all the more when accompanied my recipes we can make together :)) So, um, before this sounds any stranger, Thanks! :) I look forward to baking and making my way through your blog with my honey.

Happy Anniversary and Belated Birthday my virtual pal! :)
06.11.2013 | Unregistered CommenterNatalie
Your story totally made me laugh out loud. Very entertaining and I'm sorry you got walloped by a watermelon. At least you survived and now you have a really funny story to tell!
I just came across your site and decided to bookmark it after reading your watermelon post. Yummy recipes plus a great sense of humour:)
06.12.2014 | Unregistered CommenterNevine

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