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Vanilla Bean Pudding

Vanilla Bean Pudding


It's an idea we all ascribe to, a concept we all strive for, and a belief we all can't help but hold faith in. If we could simplify our lives, everything would be easier. If we could control the day to day chaos, we would be happier. Simplicity. Even the word itself brings up images of organized bookshelves and Norman Rockwell paintings.

But, as I've realized over the past few weeks, simplicity can have many meanings.

Vanilla Bean Pudding

When I think of a simple lifestyle, I flashback to reruns of Leave It To Beaver and The Brady Bunch. A hot, homemade meal is on the table precisely at six o'clock every evening. The house is always spotless, no excuses (you never know when company will arrive). Even the linen closets are photogenic enough to grace the cover of Good Housekeeping. If chaos does enter this genuinely unnatural world, it is dealt with so elegantly, so gracefully, that the issue simply evaporates by the end of the scheduled half hour period.

I can imagine maintaining that lifestyle is more trouble than it's worth. Not to mention, you know, impossible.

So how can we simplify our own lives without looking to The Wonder Years for advice?

The truth is that there is no quick, cookie cutter answer. We all have different ideas of what a little simplicity would do for ourselves. Some dream of keeping house like Martha Stewart and finding peace in the familiarity. Others imagine moving to the mountains and freeing themselves from everything but running water. I dream of a cup of tea, a good book, and unplugging myself from the electronic world, if only for a few hours.

Vanilla Bean Pudding

I started my personal quest for simplicity by uncluttering the bits and pieces of my life. I stopped working so many hours a week, opting for a more reasonable forty. I've gained a good deal more sanity with a cut in pay. The pursuit of money, as we all know (but often forget), is not everything.

I cleaned up my room. I sorted through the nightmare that is my food prop closet. I'm trying to take small steps every day to maintaining a more organized home. I have always been drawn to the internet, wasting days and weeks of my life doing things that are utterly forgettable (can you even remember what you looked at yesterday?). It's easy to get caught up between blogs and Google searches, ignoring the hands making circles around the clock. I cleaned up my virtual life, sparing only the websites that are most dear to me from harsh reality of the delete button. I'm trying to watch less television.

Even though I can't remove all of the chaos or complexity in my life (and nor would I want to), I've made room for simple moments. Baking in the kitchen while the radio serenades me from the next room. Giving myself over to the camera for an hour and letting food divulge its secrets. Reading beautiful, haunting novels near a blazing fireplace. Savoring a small bowl of vanilla bean pudding as the winter sun sets.

Simple moments.

That's the secret to simplicity.

What do your simple moments look like?

Vanilla Bean Pudding

Vanilla Bean Pudding is simple and unpretentious. Lovely warmed for cold evenings or chilled for hot summer afternoons, this pudding is sweet comfort food. It is thickened with a combination of cornstarch and egg yolks which lends a creamy, smooth texture. Vanilla bean adds such a pure flavor to the pudding—the vanilla bean pods are steamed in the milk to add extra flavor—but vanilla extract can be used in a pinch.

One Year Ago: Chocolate Marbled Banana Bread

Vanilla Bean Pudding
Adapted from Smitten Kitchen

Yields 6 half cup servings

2 2/3 cups whole milk, divided
Seeds and pod from 1/2 vanilla bean (or 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract)
1/3 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 large egg yolks

In a large saucepan, bring 2 cups of whole milk, vanilla bean seeds, and vanilla bean pod (but not vanilla extract) to a boil over medium heat. Stir frequently as to not scorch the bottom.

Meanwhile, in a small bowl whisk together the sugar, cornstarch, and salt with the remaining 2/3 cup milk. When well blended, whisk in the egg yolks.

As soon as milk comes to a boil, reduce heat to low and carefully remove the vanilla bean pod. Gradually whisk in egg mixture, stirring quickly. Continue cooking and stirring until pudding thickens enough to thickly coat the back of a spoon, about 1-2 minutes. Stir in vanilla extract now, if using it. Chill pudding for at least 2 hours before serving, if desired.

Reader Comments (14)

Just looking at your pictures is making me feel so relaxed and calm - they sum up simplicity so perfectly :-) For me it's all about getting away from the daily grind, stripping everything back to basics and being true to yourself. Gorgeous post.
01.16.2012 | Unregistered Commenterthelittleloaf
It doesn't get much better than this.
01.16.2012 | Unregistered CommenterFresh and Foodie
Vanilla pudding is my all time favorite. It's so delicious without being complex. It's pure, sweet, simple, deliciousness.
I had a rough day at work, and had an ancient half of a vanilla bean sitting in the back of my pantry (presumably I was waiting for the perfect recipe to use it in) I made this for myself and I am so so glad I did. This is heaven. Thank you!!
01.16.2012 | Unregistered CommenterSarah
Your simple moments sound wonderful and dreamy. I'm not even sure what I consider to be simple moments because I feel like I'm always doing something for either school or work or my blog. And then I try and get caught up with all the blogs I read and my life seems like chaos now that I wrap my brain around it...

I've never really been a fan of vanilla pudding. I've always thought that pudding should always be chocolate. I don't know why, but it just makes sense, however, your pictures make this vanilla pudding look so good that I feel like I need to give it a second try. Maybe it's the fake vanilla pudding cups that have turned me off a simple vanilla pudding.
I'm not a big pudding fan, but this looks divine!
01.20.2012 | Unregistered CommenterChristine
I made this last week. I had some half & half left over and made it with 1 cup half & half and the rest milk. It was fantastic! I realized most of the pudding/custard recipes I've tried do not ask for a dash of salt. What a difference it made! Oh and I bruleed the top cause, well, I'll take any excuse to use my torch!
01.22.2012 | Unregistered CommenterSnow White
refreshing thoughts...thanks
02.7.2012 | Unregistered CommenterTena
I think I'm in love!!
02.11.2012 | Unregistered CommenterSydney Jones
Is it possible to substitute skim milk?
02.22.2012 | Unregistered CommenterKatie
Katie-- Skim milk will work, but the pudding will not have any richness and may taste watery. I'd recommend using 2% if you want to eliminate some fat, but keep most of the flavor.
02.22.2012 | Registered CommenterKristin Rosenau
Hey, those containers/dishes are fantastic. Where would somebody get those? :)
04.25.2012 | Unregistered CommenterJack
Hi Jack--- Just old jars without lids I found at a thrift store. Sorry I can't help you more than that!
04.25.2012 | Registered CommenterKristin Rosenau
hi this sounds delicious and cant wait to try it out-thank you for sharing! by the way your pin to this recipe says suspicious link though i dont know why as when i asked to contine came straight to you but please can you fix it as i dont want to lose your recipe if they suddenly block you!!!! thanks again
01.18.2013 | Unregistered Commenterkiki

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