Dark Cherry Fruit-on-the-Bottom Yogurt

Living alone has its perks. After crashing at home for the last eighteen months, I'm reveling in the glory of unmade beds, marathon television watching, and eating dinner on the living room floor. I can sit around in my pajamas all day long with no one to judge my choice of clothing. My mother, however, will tell you I did many of these things before I was living by myself and, as we all know, mothers are usually right.
Living alone also has its downsides. It can be lonely. The endless freedom can begin to feel oppressive when you find yourself with too much time on your hands. For the last six days I haven't eaten a proper meal because I haven't been able to see the sense in cooking just for myself. I do, however, keep baking, which poses a world of new problems on its own. For instance, am I really going to have to eat a dozen cupcakes all by myself?

Truthfully, I've never had to consciously bake for one. I've always had coworkers, friends, or parents to give away any cupcakes or cookies I couldn't eat by myself. It was a successful system and everyone enjoyed playing their parts—I would bake and they would eat. Now, however, I need to work on scaling back my recipes, like making six cupcakes instead of twenty-four (but even six cupcakes can still be too many to expect one poor soul to eat). Unfortunately, there are some recipes that simply cannot be scaled back, such as loaves of bread or layered cakes.
Baking for one truly hit home for me this past weekend. I set out to make a granola toffee that ended up failing spectacularly. Though it wasn't good enough to share with you, it was fine enough to devour as a midnight snack. Half of it disappeared before I had realized exactly what I'd done (and I had to throw the rest away or risk no longer fitting into my wardrobe).
Trust me, there is little sympathy to be found when complaining about having too many baked goods lying around the house.

Fruit-on-the-Bottom yogurt is not a novel or new idea, but it's a elegant one that has stood the test of time. While I don't typically buy this kind of yogurt in the store (I find it too sweet and not particularly filling), creating my own version using thick, Greek yogurt and fresh fruit makes this quick breakfast much more appealing. Until I master baking for one, this is a sweet treat I wouldn't mind having too much of in my refrigerator.
I used dark, sweet cherries, but any fruit could take its place at a moment's notice. Simply adjust the amount of sugar or honey to the sweetness of the fruit or berry.

Dark Cherry Fruit-on-the-Bottom Yogurt makes for a quick breakfast or snack on the go. Dark, sweet cherries are cooked down into a thick sauce and layered into jars with honey sweetened, plain non-fat Greek yogurt. Whether you like to mix the fruit into the yogurt before stealing a spoonful or save the sweet cherries for the very end, this yogurt will satisfy any hunger pains that pop up during your day.
One Year Ago: Strawberry Smoothie
Dark Cherry Fruit-on-the-Bottom Yogurt
Yields 4 servings
2 cups dark sweet cherries, pitted (fresh or frozen)
1/4 cup granulated sugar, or to taste
1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch
2 cups non-fat plain Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons honey, or to taste
In a medium saucepan, combine dark cherries and sugar. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, reduce heat, and simmer for 5-10 minutes or until fruit softens and releases juices. Stir in the cornstarch to thicken juice into a sauce. Remove from heat and cool.
In a medium bowl, stir together yogurt and honey. Set aside.
To assemble, arrange 4 serving jars. Divide the cooled dark cherry sauce evenly among the jars. Top each jar with 1/2 cup of the yogurt. Serve immediately or cover and store in the refrigerator until a later date.

Reader Comments (12)
These little pots look lovely, and so much nicer than anything you can get in the shops.