Poached Eggs in Tomato Sauce

I don't do well with scary movies. In many ways, I'm the person scary movies were designed for. My fear is real. It doesn't matter if the film is about a mad man, zombies, or a haunted house—in every case, I'll want to sleep with the lights on (if I can sleep at all).
My first introduction to scary movies was the movie Signs (and, really, it's not even intended to be a scary film). During the final scenes, I literally hid beneath the couch cushions with my eyes shut tight and my hands over my ears. Up until that point, Disney villains marked my experience with frightening scenes. I had much to learn.

Despite the fact that I shouldn't watch scary movies, this weekend my mother and I rented the movie Rose Red, based on Stephen King's novel of the same name. It's a four hour mini-series (meaning four hours of pure terror for me) in which a group of people with psychic powers spend the night in a haunted house. It didn't matter that the special effects were cheesy, half the ghosts/bad guys were puppets, and the storyline didn't always make sense—I was genuinely afraid.
I hid my eyes when the scary music started, regardless of whether or not something scary was actually happening. I jumped at all the right moments. Halfway through, I shut the doors leading to the room, just in case something happened to sneak in when I wasn't looking. My mother had to repeatedly tell me that "it's not real, calm down" when I'd start to get jumpy. Three hours in, I had to shut off the movie because I couldn't handle the fear, much to my mother's dismay.
I told you I don't do well with scary movies. Maybe I should start watching them in the middle of the day.

These poached eggs in tomato sauce make a perfect light breakfast or lunch (and eggs look like suns, which is something I desperately want to see after a night of scary movies). Tomatoes compliment the eggs in an unexpected way. Serve with a side of veggies for a balanced meal. Alternatively, if you have leftover spaghetti sauce from the evening before, top poached or scrambled eggs with it and achieve the same effect. Simple, yet delicious!