Incredibly Moist Chocolate Prune Cake

This cake should actually be named "Oh Lord Almighty, this is the moistest cake in the world." The first bite is pure ecstasy. The cake instantly melts into a moist mass of ooey gooey deliciousness the very second it hits your tongue. This is absolutely a religious experience. For a single moment in time, you will achieve true Enlightenment.

I loved watching the facial expressions of my family when they took their first bites of this cake. In every case, there was a pause for reflection. The chewing stops. My mother's eyes widened with Truth. My sister stood stock still for a solid 10 seconds. My father closed (closed!) his eyes in reverence of this great cake. When I claimed this was a religious experience, it was not an exaggeration.

I want to write sonnets about this cake. I want to compose a piece of classical music to the dining experience. I want to make love to this cake. As I sit here writing and eating, I can assure you that by the eighth bite I'm still seeing stars.

prune in