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Berry Topped Angel Food Cake

Berry Topped Angel Food Cake

Two big moments quietly arrived last week—Pastry Affair's 4th birthday and my own 26th birthday. Pastry Affair's momentous occasion arrived with little to no fanfare, forgotten at first, and sheepishly remembered a few days later. It feels so natural for me to identify as a blogger now, to spend hours each week in the kitchen and behind the camera creating. The event just slipped my mind. I should be celebrating these moments with more of a flourish (they do come few and far between); next year I hope to remedy this problem.

Pastry Affair and I struggled this past year (how much this showed, I do not know). As a first year high school teacher, I often felt emotionally drained, devoid of free time, and guilty for not being able to balance blogging with a new career. I knew this space would grow quieter once school began, my recipes decreasing from three times a week, to two, to one. I didn't, however, realize that my feelings towards blogging would change. Instead of being my safe haven, my escape from the world, it felt more like work than it ever had before. I began to avoid this space.

Berry Topped Angel Food Cake Berry Topped Angel Food Cake

More than once this winter, I wanted to throw in the towel and say goodbye to this space—not indefinitely, but for awhile. I felt stuck, struggling with writer's block and a lack of inspiration. Despite these feelings, I pushed through to come out on the other side. My relationship with Pastry Affair is slowly on the mend. Baking and photography have stayed a constant love in my life; I am drawn back to it if I stay away for too long. With summer vacation starting next week (and more free time than I'll know what to do with), I imagine that our relationship will make strides. I am ready to love this space again.

Thank you for staying here, for your comments and emails, for your endless support. You are the ones who keep me coming back to this space, inspiring me to create new recipes, pushing me to grow as a photographer. Whether you realized it or not, this year I needed to feel your support the most and you certainly did not disappoint. Thank you, truly.

Berry Topped Angel Food Cake

Strawberry Topped Angel Food Cake has been my birthday cake of choice since I was very young. I remember looking through an old Taste of Home cookbook as a child, seeing a picture of this cake in the centerfold pictures. It may not be brightly colored or adorned in frosting, but its simplicity was perfect for me. My mother made it for my birthday then and nearly every year since. The combinations have varied slightly, drowned in chocolate syrup some years, and left plain for others, but the heart of the cake has never changed. To tell you that I adore this cake simply would not express the memories or joy behind it.

As a newly defined 26 year old, I made my own birthday cake this year. I had a quiet celebration with my boyfriend, feeling more like an adult than I have in years past. I have a career, I keep up financial spreadsheets, I have a greater understanding of who I am. Even so, I haven't left young adulthood completely behind. I still binge watch my favorite television shows, I eat popcorn for dinner more often than I should, and I rarely make my bed. Mid-twenties, I have found, are an interesting harmony between youth and adult, a harmony that deserves cake.

Berry Topped Angel Food Cake Berry Topped Angel Food Cake

Berry Topped Angel Food Cake has been and will always be my ideal cake. The cake is feather light with an incredible sponge. With a spread of whipped cream and a topping of ripe strawberries, the cake is complete. While any berry would be appropriate, I prefer the cake with sweet strawberries. This cake is a keeper, no matter how old or young you may be. Serve it with extra berries, macerated in their own juices, for those like me who would prefer berries with every bite.

One Year Ago: Pineapple Rum Cocktail, Nutella Swirled Banana Bread, and Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Pancakes
Two Years Ago: Ladyfingers, Tiramisu Cake, and Peanut Butter Cornmeal Cookies
Three Years Ago: Snow Cones, Strawberry Milk, and Raspberry Swirled Chocolate Chunk Ice Cream
Four Years Ago: Chocolate Coconut Granola

Berry Topped Angel Food Cake
Adapted from a variety of sources

Yields 10-inch cake

12 large egg whites
1 1/4 cups (250 grams) granulated sugar, divided
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste (or vanilla extract)
1 cup (113 grams) cake flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
Coconut Whipped Cream
Fresh berries, to serve

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C).

In a large mixing bowl, beat the egg whites until foamy. Beat in the cream of tartar and lemon juice. Continue beating and gradually add 1 cup sugar over the course of a couple minutes. Once glossy peaks form, mix in the vanilla. Do not overbeat! Set aside.

In a medium mixing bowl, stir together the flour, salt, and remaining 1/4 cup sugar. In three batches, fold the dry ingredients in the egg whites, mixing until just incorporated. Do not overmix or the egg whites will lose volume.

Pour batter into an ungreased tube pan and bake for 40-45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. If the pan has "feet", immediately flip the pan upside down and allow to cool in pan for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. In the plan does not have "feet," flip over the pan onto a bottle to cool.

When cooled, run an offset spatula around the edge of the pan and gently flip the cake onto a serving plate. Top with whipped cream and berries. Serve with a side of extra berries.

Reader Comments (25)

Happy birthday! This cake looks gorgeous! Hopefully you'll find your blogging spirit back over the holidays!
awwww, this is a beautiful post. i am so wildly impressed that you do this while minting a job as a high school teacher! you have such a talent and i'm glad you are staying positive about the future of this amazing space. if ever you need some in real life encouragement (or an in real life person to come over and help you eat cake :), just holler!!!! happy birthday to you and your blog!!! XO
06.2.2014 | Unregistered Commentermolly yeh
This is a work of art, so great. Happy birthday and big congrats on 4 years, that is impressive!
06.2.2014 | Unregistered CommenterMatt Robinson
happy birthday! and happy anniversary.
i hope you'll find your way to pastry affair again. if you struggle just think about all the people around the globe you inspire. yours was one of the first blogs i stumbled upon when I got interested in food blogs and it was always a pleasure to come back. so, a big thank you so far! i think this needed to be said.
06.2.2014 | Unregistered Commenterjulzalicious
Some version of this cake has been my birthday cake of choice many times. I love it. I totally hear you about changing feelings about blogging- everything has a season, and blogging "seasons" come and go. For what it's worth, I love reading your blog and appreciate you sticking it out here. :) Happy birthday!
First of all happy birthday!! :) I completely understand the fluctuation of feelings when it comes to blogging. It's been a bit rocky for me lately but after unplugging for a couple weeks, I am starting to get excited about cooking/photography/blogging all over again. I just found your blog but I am so in love with this cake, I know I will be coming back for more!!
Thank you for sharing your talent as a writer and baker. Your posts are a highlight of my week. The last (and only) time I attempted angel food cake, it ended up as a huge gloppy/sticky mound on my counter but with your beautiful post and fresh Santa Cruz strawberries on the counter, I may be inspired to try it again.
06.2.2014 | Unregistered Commentersistrsprkl
Angel food cake is so yummy - your recipe looks perfect!
Congratulations on your birthday and that of Pastry Affair. I would have never known you felt strained about publishing in this last year. Your work is beautiful. Thank you for sticking with it, and for teaching! What a marvelous profession.

The cake is stunning. The photos inspirational. YUM.

'can't wait to make it.

i read (and love) food blogs and yet hardly ever comment on them...something that needs to change. but i just felt the urge to say, on your 4th anniversary, that your blog is one of my favorites of all i read. i'm in love with your photography and the way you present your's beautiful and elegant but in a way that isn't overbearing. i also really enjoy the quotes you's such a unique touch and it's amazing how many times you find quotes that are just perfect for the food. i'm sad to say that i have yet to try a recipe (i found your space about a year ago and i'm in the field working as a biologist 7-9 months/year which doesn't leave a huge amount of time for cooking at the moment) but have pinned oh so many once my schedule allows it. so all that said...blogging needs to work for you but i was pleased to see that you are coming back to this space on a more frequent basis! happy birthday! (by the way...this cake is a work of art!)
06.2.2014 | Unregistered CommenterRachel
I am so sorry that you have been feeling stressed! I can completely relate to that! Just about a month ago I was done with graduation and until then I had the toughest time juggling work, studies, assignments and deadline that blogging seemed far too hectic and stressful! There were days when I resented it but now that I have more free time, I'm making up for it and getting my blog back on its feet! Things will fall in place! :) Sending you positive vibes! :* A veryyyyy happy birthday to you! This cake is just the perfect way to celebrate! Loveeeee the fresh berries atop these deliciously light and feathery angel food cake! <3
The cake says it all! Sometimes the best inspiration is hiding behind a time of no inspiration. Beautiful cake!
First, happy birthday, both to you and to the blog! The photos in this post are especially beautiful. I completely relate to how you were feeling this winter--for me too, keeping up with my blog started to feel more like a chore than the pleasure it had been before, for various reasons. Spring is helping to ease this feeling, but I think it's important to remember that--as much as we may love to write, shoot, create, and cook--it is still a lot of work! I'm trying to put less pressure on the whole enchilada.
06.3.2014 | Unregistered CommenterCristina
I have sensed your feelings - your writing is deeply felt and tender. I have enjoyed your blog so very much - you are traveling on a journey and it is taking you to different places which you share with all of us. Thank you for your writing, your beautiful pictures and your decadent recipes. And...Happy Birthday!!
06.3.2014 | Unregistered CommenterCarla
congratulations and happy birthday. The cake looks glorious.. truly angelic.
06.3.2014 | Unregistered Commenteranita
Thank you for a truly beautiful blog. Your photography is so lovely, and the recipes are awesome. I always look to Pastry Affair for some gastronomic inspiration. From one teacher to another, the first year is always wonderful and difficult. Congratulations for everything!
06.3.2014 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle
Happy Birthday, dear!!! I'm glad you found your love again for Pastry Affair. I honestly don't know what I would do without your blog, and I'm dead serious here hahaha
06.4.2014 | Unregistered CommenterLaura
Gorgeous! This cake looks so delicious, the perfect summer dessert :)
06.4.2014 | Unregistered Commentersara
Great looking cake! Happy Birthday. You should definitely continue blogging. . . you are very good at it. Nice food and brilliant photos.
06.4.2014 | Unregistered CommenterThymelife
Happy Birthday!! I love reading your block and think you truly have a gift for blogging. If it doesn't make you happy, you shouldn't keep doing it, but I think you are very talented.
06.5.2014 | Unregistered Commentermegan
I want to say a belated Happy Birthday to you. Next I read blogs and comment all the time. As a newbie blogger I can certainly empathize with you. I sometimes feel so overwhelmed by all the things going on in my life that I start to wonder do I have the time to blog. I bake all the time and take pics but never took typing so it is a real torture to type all my recipes out. BUT..I love it so much and today your blog just touched my heart and made me want to break out the computer and get something done. For this reason I want to say thank you so much. I hope that you will continue your blog even if it is just once a week. I would much rather read once a week than some that are posting daily and most of the time it is from someone else's blog. I try to promote other blogs on twitter and Google even Facebook but it is blogs like yours that make me love them. Hang in there. A teacher is such an honorable profession that you are good at. Your blog is also special, but that is because of you being the special person that you are. I look forward to the future of your blog no matter how much you blog.
06.9.2014 | Unregistered CommenterBea
Happy 4th year blogging anniversary girl!! You rock!
Looks like will be a delicious Lots of thank for sharing the blog and recipe too.
06.12.2014 | Unregistered CommenterRobin
I totally understand your feelings about stress and blogging. I can also feel obligated to blog and to make new gluten-free recipes even though I can't find any inspiration. But I always get inspired when I read your blog and three cupcakes look amazing!! :)
06.14.2014 | Unregistered CommenterThea
I love your blog. Your writing is crisp and refreshing and everything you put on here is so delicious looking.

I've tried a number of your recipes and they have all been fantastic and get requested again and again (especially blueberry lemon pancakes!)

I'm glad you're on the mend with Pastry Affair. I doubt any of your fans were truly upset that you had other things going on in your life and couldn't dedicate the same time to your blog. I, for one, am just happy every time it updates, no matter how frequent or infrequent those updates are.
06.17.2014 | Unregistered Commentersparklesara

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