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Mango Lassi

Mango Lassi

Lately I have been feeling trapped, confined within the white walls of my apartment, as the wind outside howls and the cold, winter weather lays an oppressive hand over the land. Spring has been lost, mysteriously misplaced, forgotten by Mother Nature. Instead, there are cloudy skies, a dirty snow-covered landscape, and a thermometer registering temperatures below freezing. There is a long standing joke that the Midwest has two seasons—winter and road construction—but this year it rings true. Winter arrived in October and is refusing to leave seven months later, like a bothersome friend overstaying his or her welcome.

All I wish is to trade in my heavy winter coat for a light jacket.

Mango Lassi

It is hard for me to appreciate the subtleties of life, to find the magic in everyday moments, when the weather has put such a damper on my normally cheery disposition. I find myself in sour moods for no reason at all, occasionally perked up by a loved song or silly comment, but the lack of sunny vitamin D eventually pulls it back down. This feeling is electric, affecting the people around me. They talk about spring with an infectious enthusiasm and discuss mowing lawns with an unusual fondness, staring out the windows at the winterscape with a heavy sigh.

No one, it seems, is immune from a case of the mid-April winter blues.

Mango Lassi

My boyfriend has recently become infatuated with Indian cuisine, tackling Indian dishes with a large frying pan and little success. After tossing another half-finished dish into the trash, he set his sights on something simpler—a Mango Lassi. He had enjoyed several at the local Indian restaurant over the last month and we set out to create one together. Our joint effort was a smashing success, evidenced by the fact that he made five more over the course of the next few days.

In some ways, the simple blend of a few ingredients brought a brightness into the kitchen and sparked a light into my weary soul. It was a hint of the magic I have been searching for, the beginning of a journey into the rebirth of a new season.

Mango Lassi

Mango Lassi is a refreshing, cold beverage originating from India. Lassi is a yogurt-based drink blended with a bit of spice and ice which melts quickly to cool it down. Mango pulp (pureed mango) sweetens and flavors the drink while a sprinkle of cardamom adds warmth. A lassi has been described as a lighter, healthier version of a milkshake (or a smoothie without the blended ice). This mango lassi is lovely when dreaming of hot afternoons and cool drinks in the sun.

One Year Ago: S'mores Cupcakes
Two Years Ago: Chocolate Nests

Mango Lassi

Yields 2 servings

1 cup (230 grams) plain, non-fat yogurt
3/4 cup (170 grams) pureed mango
1 tablespoon granulated sugar (or less, depending on sweetness of the mango)
1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom
4-5 ice cubes

In a blender, combine all ingredients and blend until smooth.

Divide evenly between two glasses, sprinkle a little cardamom for garnish, and serve immediately.

Reader Comments (9)

Hi Kristin I'm from Bangladesh and man, I love your blog. I've grown up drinking Mango Lassi and needless to say, it is my all time favorite drink. Yes, its so wonderfully magical and it is always a great idea for an after meal drink, especially if your meal was particularly spicy!
04.11.2013 | Unregistered Commentermeamimoi
Ahh.. I heart mango lassi!! replace the yoghurt with greek yoghurt/hung curd and you'll get shrikhand - an indian dessert.. I think you'll like it!! your pics make mango lassi look seductively good!! :))
I am so glad you down a mango recipe, since I have just been delivered a massive amount of mangoes from my mango tree this season. I love the simplistic styling of these shots, matches perfectly with the recipe.
I know exactly what you mean about being bummed out by the weather. I hate that feeling where no matter what you do, your feet will not just warm up! Oh well, maybe a mango lassi would cheer me up? Here's hoping for spring.
04.11.2013 | Unregistered CommenterSarah
Ah!! I just ground my own cardamom! Do it!
04.12.2013 | Unregistered CommenterBecca
This looks fantastic and can't wait to give it a try! I've always been curious about lassi drinks and with the weather getting warmer I think I'll have to make some really soon. :)
Absolutely my go-to lassi!! Love mango and the added cardamom here :)
My favorite !!
Oh I so love mango lassi.
I used to work in a cheese and yoghurt factory and I would buy cartons of lassi
05.22.2014 | Unregistered Commenterkelly

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